My Fitness Journey

One year ago in September 2022, I was feeling stuck inside my own body. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror without wanting to cover myself up. I knew I needed something to change in order to be myself again. I hired an online coach to help me achieve my fitness goals.

The plan my trainer had me on to start was three days a week for workouts, to start eating 1500 calories, and to hit 10,000 steps a day. I know this can sound intimidating because it most definitely was for someone who didn’t even understand that I was under-eating. My trainer was so helpful and resourceful that she educated me on my needs. The biggest tip she gave me was that we are not going to stop living. She believed in healthy goals and to still eat your favorite foods. That was the game changer for me.

Eventually, working out didn’t become a chore, and counting my calories wasn’t a burden anymore. When you let small changes come into your life, they start to become a healthy habit that will begin to flow cohesively throughout your everyday life. Even my family started participating in my health habits and now we do it together.

I never want to go back to my old ways because right now I am at my best, I feel better in my clothes, and I don’t feel exhausted or heavy. I knew I needed a change one year ago and I invested in myself for myself, and I am right where I want to be.

If you’re reading this, this is your sign to make that small change and let it become your new healthy habit.


Moming with Two Kids Under Two


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