Top items for first time RVers

We get this question a lot and decided to make a check-off list of RV must have for our readers. When we bought our RV we were newbies and didn't know anything about RVs honestly. Once we purchased our RV, the dealership we bought it from asked if we wanted to purchase an additional start-up package. Hold up you mean to tell me once I purchased this expensive toy there's more to buy! YEP!

Our RV didn't come with anything like most RVs new/used you have to buy the EXTRA stuff like RV accessories must have. Now when the dealership wanted us to spend like 500$ extra I was like umm no thank you! Plus most of the time the stuff they are selling isn't the best quality. Let's be honest most salesmen don't even own an RV so by them telling you this is top of the line is their sales pitch.

I have created a list of must-haves for new beginners for RV must have! Just click the name and shop away. Do your research on your own personal RV like if you have a 30 AMP or 50 AMP but otherwise, most of the items are necessary and cheaper here and have worked for us as we full time RV!

I will say the most expensive item is your surge protector but hear me out when I say it's worth the expense. We have heard horror stories that when a storm came through while camping and someone had an unknown brand surge protector and it ended up frying their entire RV. The cost of a brand-new RV is way more expensive than a couple of hundred dollars invested in a good brand surge protector. Plus our brand has LIFE-TIME WARRANTY and they stand behind their products!

If you interested in learning why we started full time RVing click here to read more about our journey!


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